Supercharge Your Product Pages: Optimise the product page for accessibility and inclusivity


As an ecommerce store owner or manager, you’ve most likely seen a high web traffic to your site but remained puzzled on how to convert this into significant sales. You’re not alone. 

Growing web traffic is a fundamental goal for any ecommerce store owner. However, high traffic volumes don’t inherently translate to thriving business performance. What’s crucial is leveraging that online traffic into actual sales through a high conversion rate - and that’s where your product pages come into play. 

Your product pages are the critical linchpins that turn browsing visitors into paying customers. If you’re driving a substantial amount of traffic, yet seeing lacklustre conversion rates, it’s time to revamp those pages to better captivate your potential shoppers. To help you make the most of this untapped resource, we’ve curated a complete list of tips and optimisations that can significantly enhance the efficacy of your product pages and transform them into potent conversion engines. Read on to find out how to optimise your ecommerce site and improve your turnover.

Optimise the product page for accessibility and inclusivity

Why Accessibility and Inclusivity Matters 

With an increasingly diverse online shopper base, optimising your ecommerce website for accessibility and inclusivity could mean significant enhancement of its reach. It’s not only beneficial but essentially, a moral and legal obligation to ensure that your digital content is accessible to all potential users, including those with disabilities. Inclusivity, in turn, is about creating an online shopping environment that welcomes diversity and ensures everyone feels valued. 

Key Aspects of Accessible and Inclusive Web Design 

Some important elements for consideration when optimizing your product page for accessibility and inclusivity are: 

  • Text Contrast: Text should stand out against the background, improving readability for people with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Users should be able to navigate your site entirely through keyboard input. This benefits individuals who can’t use a mouse or trackpad.
  • Alt Text for images: Providing textual descriptions for all images will enable screen-reading tools to describe them to visually impaired users.
  • Scalable Font: Allow users to adjust the size of the text on your site according to their preference.
  • Inclusive Language: Be mindful of the diversity of your users in the language you use. Ensure it’s free from bias and stereotyping.

Importance of Accessibility Compliance 

Not only does making your site fully accessible create a better user experience, but it also makes it compliant with legal regulations. Countries around the world have regulations surrounding digital accessibility, and lack of compliance can result in sanctions and legal issues. Therefore, it’s important to regularly audit your site for accessibility and make necessary adjustments. 

Embracing Diversity with Inclusive Content 

Inclusivity is about recognizing and respecting the diversity of your customer base and tailoring experiences accordingly. On a product page, inclusivity can take several forms: varied sizes and options, wider product ranges catering to different demographics, and imagery featuring diverse representation are just some ways to be more inclusive. 

Utilizing Tools for Accessibility Testing 

You can take advantage of various tools like Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool (WAVE), Accessibility Insights, and Google Lighthouse, which can help you ensure that your pages are accessible. By identifying and resolving potential accessibility barriers, these tools help maximise your ecommerce website’s reach and usability. 

Benefits of Accessible and Inclusive Product Pages 

Going beyond the moral and legal reasons, accessible and inclusive product pages can boost your conversion rate. As you widen the range of people who can comfortably use your site, you’re likely to engender greater customer loyalty, receive positive word-of-mouth recommendations, and ultimately, achieve more sales. 

Continuous Evaluation and Improvement 

Web accessibility and inclusivity is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. Regular evaluations and prompt updates aligned with user feedback will help maintain your site’s access and inclusivity standards. This continuous attention not only optimises user experience but also ensures brand image and reputation stay strong.

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